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Well by Uniden scanner gave out. I started to get nothing but static. I needed to replace it. I went on ebay and took a chance on a 15 yr old scanner. I got a Radio Shack pro 2050 trunking scanner. It got it and it works fine. However, you have to choose between analog trunking and regular scanning. You cannot do store both in the scanning banks at the same time. I set it up to do regular scanning just like my original scanner and now I am back on line.


My new 15yr old scanner
My new 15yr old scanner



First, I gotta say that none of this would have ever worked without help form Hamelic. He helped me get the streaming set up.


I decided a while back to put my local Police scanner on line.


The scanner is a Uniden BC340CRS base station.


Using a program called IceCast and another program called DarkIce, we were able to get it to stream.

Listen to the scanner live by clicking here. I live in a smaller town, so silence on the Police Scanner is normal.

The stream for Hamelic’s scanner can be found here. His town is even smaller.


Here are some channels I currently have programed in to scan.


Frequency Description
460.300 Medina Co Sheriff Dispatch #2
460.200 Medina Co Sheriff Dispatch #1
460.325 Township PDs South Dispatch
460.525 Medina Co Fire Dispatch #1
460.575 Hinckley Fire Dispatch
460.375 Brunswick Police Dispatch #1
460.450 Medina City Police Dispatch
453.950 Medina City Fire Dispatch
155.970 Medina Car to Car
452.200 Township PDs North Dispatch
453.775 Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority
453.150 Hinckley Police Dispatch
453.675 Cleveland MSD – Police Dispatch
460.025 Brunswick Police / Animal Control
453.575 Hinckley Fire Dispatch
154.115 Brunswick Service Department
150.85250 Brunswick City Schools *
494.950 Medina Life Support Team #1
461.700 Medina Life Support Team #2
160.050 Metroparks – Rangers (Hinckley Repeater)

*Brunswick Schools is listed at 150.85250 but when I programed it would change to 150.855. If I programed it for 150.852, it would change to 150.820. I left it at 150.855. not sure if it will pick up or not.

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