Kitchen Redo Sooo….Mom’s kitchen was a mess. It looked like this. And hadnt been touched in 50 years. My brother and I decided she needed…
Basement Stairs So these are my parents basement stairs. They are just brick. The treads are barely 6″ wide. The height is all over the…
LED Lights My tail light bulbs kept going in and out. Turned out to be a grounding issue at the tail light socket. So I…
New Wiper Arms Not a big project, but I did put on some new wiper arms and blades. I just didnt like the silver original…
Chicken Coop My dad bought a chicken coop. Some of it got damaged in the move. So we put it together best we could. (click…
Attic Hoist The stairs in the garage are some old rickety wood stairs. They are 10 ft and don’t reach the floor from the 12…
Out of Storage Finally got to bring the car home from storage and put it in the home garage. Had to have it towed as…
How to fix Samba not accepting windows password My samba server would just keep prompting me over and over for a password. Here is how…
LetsEncrypt SSL Ubuntu 18.04 LTS I pieced the following together from various sites to get Lets Encrypt to work on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 1)…