Other Stuff
- 2006 Dodge Caravan Cluster Lights
- 2021 C-HR
- Stereo Cabinet Mod
- GoPhish Server
- Elevated Garden
- Mechanical Keyboard not working
- Fixing the Well
- Water-Mister
- Mom’s Kitchen
- Basement Stairs
- Chicken Coop
- Attic Hoist
- Samba Not taking windows password
- LetsEncrypt SSL Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- Veeam Free Backup Schedule Script
- HyperV2016 Remote Connect -Manager -RDP
- KIA Power Outlet Added
- Apache / Owncloud on NSS Volume
- Unlock/Lock all sheets Excel
- Floating Book Shelf
- Installing VirtualBox on Fedora 12
- Enable Root login to GUI in Fedora
- Scanner
- Bond NICs in Linux
- Speaker Switcher
- Bind DNS via Webmin
- OpenSSL
- Zen works USB boot
- Windows Scheduled Scan Making Script
- GIM Contacts List via LDIF
- ClamWin Sig Updates when Logged Off
- Deny Host
2006 Dodge Caravan Cluster Lights
October 5, 2024Lights were out on the van. Here is how I fixed them. https://youtu.be/W8iMDPR2pa8?si=M_VDil9hmGtQdciz
2021 C-HR
May 1, 2023New to me C-HR Got me a new car. The ole minivan has had it. I decided to do some things to it right…
Stereo Cabinet Mod
April 22, 2023My daughter got an old stereo cabinet from her Grandmother. It was in good shape, but had a couple issues. The turn table was seized.…
GoPhish Server
November 22, 2022Decided we needed a new way to do spam/phishing campaign at work. To this end I decided to install a GoPhish server. There were a…
Elevated Garden
May 2, 2021Elevated Garden Old raised garden, on the ground, bed has rotted out. Decided to make a smaller elevated garden.. I stared off with a couple…
Mechanical Keyboard not working
December 30, 2020Mechanical Keyboard My mechanical keyboard, a Blackwidow Ultimate Stealth 2014. At this point I have had it 6 years. Its gone thru its fair shares of…
Fixing the Well
December 1, 2020Fixing the Well My mom has this little wooden whishing well out in front of her house. Over the years it fell apart, so I…
November 25, 2020Water-Mister I drink a lot of sparking water. It was getting very expensive. So to that end... I bought this beet up BrewMister off Facebook…
Mom’s Kitchen
October 1, 2019Kitchen Redo Sooo....Mom's kitchen was a mess. It looked like this. And hadnt been touched in 50 years. My brother and I decided she needed…
Basement Stairs
July 27, 2019Basement Stairs So these are my parents basement stairs. They are just brick. The treads are barely 6" wide. The height is all over the…
Chicken Coop
July 14, 2019Chicken Coop My dad bought a chicken coop. Some of it got damaged in the move. So we put it together best we could. (click…
Attic Hoist
July 7, 2019Attic Hoist The stairs in the garage are some old rickety wood stairs. They are 10 ft and don't reach the floor from the 12…
Samba Not taking windows password
March 16, 2019How to fix Samba not accepting windows password My samba server would just keep prompting me over and over for a password. Here is how…
LetsEncrypt SSL Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
January 21, 2019LetsEncrypt SSL Ubuntu 18.04 LTS I pieced the following together from various sites to get Lets Encrypt to work on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 1)…
Veeam Free Backup Schedule Script
March 14, 2018Bellow is a script to get Free Veeam Backup and replication to schedule a VeamZip backup. # Author: Vladimir Eremin # Created Date: 3/24/2015 #…
HyperV2016 Remote Connect -Manager -RDP
February 28, 2018Manage Hyper-V Server 2016 in a workgroup using Windows 10 Hyper-V Manager Here is an end-to-end guide for using Windows 10 Hyper-V Manager to manage…
KIA Power Outlet Added
June 16, 2014I bought a 2013 Kia Soul base model. It only had one power outlet in the front. I added a second power outlet to the…
Apache / Owncloud on NSS Volume
July 12, 2013Ok wasnt easy, but I got it working. LOOOONG story kinda short.... As you probably know the problem was that Linux has its set…
Unlock/Lock all sheets Excel
November 27, 2012Unprotect all Worksheets Open a workbook and start the Visual Basic Editor (Alt + F11). Right Click in the project explorer window and select Insert…
Floating Book Shelf
July 3, 2012My oldest daughter needed some more room for books. She wanted a floating book shelf. So I made one. I got a book…
Installing VirtualBox on Fedora 12
March 30, 20111) open up \etc\yum.repos.d 2) make a file called virtualbox.repo 3) paste into it: [virtualbox] name=Fedora $releasever - $basearch - VirtualBox baseurl=http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/rpm/fedora/$releasever/$basearch enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian/oracle_vbox.asc…
Enable Root login to GUI in Fedora
March 30, 2011By default Fedora will not let you login to the GUI as root. Now I am sure there are good security reasons for this, but…
March 28, 2011Well by Uniden scanner gave out. I started to get nothing but static. I needed to replace it. I went on ebay and took a…
Bond NICs in Linux
February 10, 2011Step #1: Create a bond0 configuration file Red Hat Linux stores network configuration in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ directory. First, you need to create bond0 config file and…
Speaker Switcher
January 26, 2011I have a surround system on my PC. I also have projector hooked to it. The PC has a blu-ray drive. The projector projects to…
Bind DNS via Webmin
December 20, 2010How to setup DNS using Webmin Below are the steps for setting up DNS via webmin... Create a Master Zone Under the "Existing DNS Zones" click…
December 1, 2010How to configure OpenSSL on Fedora 14 (assuming you did a yum install openssl) Creating the necessary directories First of all we will create a…
Zen works USB boot
March 21, 2010How to make a usb boot disk for zen imaging. You need: A) HP Drive Key Boot Utility (cp006049.exe) from HP. B) syslinux form http://syslinux.zytor.com/wiki/index.php/Download…
March 21, 2010POPTOP VPN Server It was hard finding any doco on installing this thing. I finally found an old howto for FC7. From there I was…
Windows Scheduled Scan Making Script
August 12, 2008This will install a Windows Schedule job on a Windows machine with out any user intervention. It runs as a system task, so no user…
GIM Contacts List via LDIF
August 10, 2008GIM Contacts List via LDIF Senario #1: Copying UserA list to everyone. You must Export / Import contact attributes via ConsoleOne NDS Import / Export…
ClamWin Sig Updates when Logged Off
August 10, 2008Now that we have ClamWin scanning while a user is logged off, I found out that the virus sigs do not update while logged off…
Deny Host
August 9, 2008How to install Deny Hosts on Fedora 8: 1) yum list denyhosts 2) yum install packages listed (in this case it was: yum install denyhosts.noarch)…